Proctored Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) Licensing Exam by appointment
Approved by the State of Illinois and City of Chicago Includes ANSI-CFP approved testing – ServSafe or National Registry of Food Service Professionals (NRFSP)
Computer assisted and paper/pencil exams are available.
Proof of course completion is required for State of Illinois and City of Chicago requirements. Please call us at (773) 401-3244 to request a specific date.
Need a proctored food protection manager exam in the Chicago area? Finish the required 7 hour course on-line or at a nearby class. Schedule your test at a convenient location around in Chicago or suburban locations.
The Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) certification in Illinois is also known as the Certified Food Service Manager in the City of Chicago. In Indiana, the same exam provides a Certified Food Handlers License. Wisconsin identifies the same credential as Food Manager Certification. Most public health departments require the person-in-charge (PIC) to be onsite at a food operation, with this certification.
Choose from either the ServSafe or National Registry (NR FSP) or Always Food Safe national food protection certification exam. These tests comply with the ANSI Conference for Food Protection (CFP) requirements for the person-in-charge.
Certified Food Safety Programs offers a one day course that includes the proctored exam. View this option at the course page Completing an approved on-line course may be more convenient for you. Appointments for a private testing session are available on Tuesdays or Saturdays in multiple locations around the Chicago area and suburbs.
Please email us at [email protected] with your general location and proposed test dates before registering for this option.
Additional information
date | 2/19/2019 |
location | "western Chicago suburb" |